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Planetary Science on Mastodon

This page provides a list of planetary science accounts on Mastodon and offers a way to easily follow multiple accounts at once. Just click on those accounts below that interest you, and then at the bottom of the list, click on "Get CSV for selected accounts". This will download a CSV file that you can use in your Mastodon account to follow the accounts you selected. The list can be filtered by language by clicking on the two-character language code at the end of the entry: clicking on the activated language again will undo the filter.

To follow the accounts you selected, go to your Mastodon account profile, click on "import and export", select "import", and then choose to merge the file you just created into your following list. Further instructions on how to do this can be found here.

If you would like to be added to this list, please fill out this form. This is an opt-in list only, and we will verify that you are a planetary scientist, or post about planetary science, before adding your account. If you would like to modify any information that you previously submitted, or have any questions, please send us an email at .

If you are looking for a Mastodon instance that serves the planetary science community, please consider joining solarsystem.social.

Accounts by handle, name, and profile link